Wonders Of Science

Anya Singhal
3 min readDec 17, 2021

Every day we come across several wonders of science. These include things we didn’t even think were science. Everything around us is science. Everything around us is made of matter and matter is made of particles. The plants we pass by everyday have something to do with science. Even how we live and thrive, is SCIENCE.

I’m going to emphasize a little more on what we mean when we say science. Science is all about making observations and theories, doing experiments, finding facts, and gaining knowledge about the things around us. When you are exploring science, you’ll hear words like hypothesis, conclusion, variable, and phenomena.

A hypothesis is an explanation proposed by doing research and exploring the topic. It is the starting point of an investigation.

A variable is anything that can change or can be changed, there are 3 types of variables, controlled variables, dependent variables and independent variables. A phenomenon is a fact that is observed to exist or happen.

The conclusion is summarizing the entire investigation and writing down your final result from the experiments you conducted.

There have been lots of discoveries and inventions throughout the years (some even from the ancient times that have been developed to be made better) , and we are very dependent on many of them.

Here is an example:

  1. The Wheel — It seems like such a simple thing and yet it helps us way more than we realize. It played a major role in the development of transportation, and without them there would be no cars, trains, planes, buses or bikes. Wheels are also used in gears.

Another example is

2. The Internet — The internet is a necessity to the modern world, it has become an important part of our everyday lives. People use the internet for many important things like communication (like mail, messages, phone calling), education, search engines, and social networking. If you really think about it, it would almost be impossible to live without the internet.

For the third example,

3. Electricity — Can you imagine a world without electricity? Well, people used candles until the late eighteen hundreds. Edison first invented the light bulb and we are very dependent on it now.

The 4th example is

4. A Ball Point Pen — It’s cheap and one of the best boons of science, it has enabled and inspired us to go further in our lives and write a better future.

And the 5th example

5. The Telephone — It was invented by Alexander Graham Bell and we used it to communicate with each other. It has helped us develop and create better versions of communications as well.

The 6th example -

6. Smoke Detectors — If a fire starts somewhere in your house/environment and you’re not there at the moment, you’ll never know. But, if you have a smoke detector you will be able to tell if something is burning. It will give you an early warning of a fire.

And for the final example:

7. Water Filters — Water Filters are very important in our day to day lives, because they give people access to clean water that is free of contaminants and is a reliable source of hydration that quenches their thirst. It involves water that has been strained of harmful chemicals, pesticides, bacteria, and other particles that contaminate water.

These were a few examples of the inventions. And, believe it or not, these inventions are a huge part of our lives and are wonders of science. Thanks for reading!

