Electric Vehicles

Anya Singhal
1 min readJan 18, 2022

What are electric vehicles?

Electric Vehicles (EV) are vehicles that use one or more electric motors. They can be powered by batteries, solar panels, fuel cells, etc and this makes them eco friendly. They include road, rail and underwater vessels.

Why doesn’t everyone use electric vehicles if they are eco friendly?

Most people don’t use electric vehicles because of the high price and range. Not many electric vehicles can travel for long distances without charging.

Why are electric vehicles expensive?

EV’s use rechargeable batteries like a normal phone or laptop but the vehicles need far more energy which means more batteries, and batteries contain metals that are expensive so that’s why electrical vehicles have high prices.

What is the difference between electric vehicles and normal vehicles?

The main difference between electric vehicles and normal vehicles is their power source. Electric vehicles are powered by motors whereas normal vehicles are powered by engines. Electric vehicles also do not produce harmful gases that pollute the environment.

What companies manufacture electric vehicles?

There are lots of companies that manufacture electric vehicles like, Envoy Technologies, Charge Point, Hyliion, Tesla, and Revel.

