
Anya Singhal
1 min readMar 18, 2021

I am a huge dog lover!!!!!!!!! I just love those cute, furry, playful animals. There are 15 dogs in my community(for now); there are five huskies, two labradors, two labrador retrievers, one Indie, one golden retriever and one bulldog. One of the huskies just gave birth to 4 puppies, so now technically they’re 9 huskies but the puppies will probably get sold soon 😔. I met the puppies recently, they are soooo cute, I just love them!! I have always wanted to get my own dog but my mother is very scared of them, I keep telling them I can take care of the dog but they don’t really believe me(I don’t really blame them because I’m not that responsible 😜), so we can’t get one. At least I can play with other dogs, but I always wish I can get my own. When I grow up and get my own house the first thing I’m definitely gonna do is get my own dog!

